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what is financial planning

and why do i need it?

Financial planning may mean different things to different people. It may mean planning investments to provide security during retirement for one person. For another, it may mean planning savings and investments to provide money for a dependent's college education. Financial planning may involve career-related decisions or choosing the right insurance products.

Though a financial planner may make developing a financial plan more manage-

able, it can be an overwhelming experience looking for a qualified and trusted

financial planner. The decision to hire a financial planner may depend on

many things, including the individual's financial worth, their future goals,

and the amount of research the individual is willing to perform.

All too often, people delay planning for the future. They may feel such

planning should take a back seat to stay financially afloat in the present.

However, even those living paycheck to paycheck can benefit from

financial planning by creating a budget. A budget can be used to

determine what is spent each month and find ways to trim or even

eliminate unnecessary or out-of-control expenditures.

The right time to create a financial plan is right now. No matter your

income level or your hopes for the future, you need a solid plan to

achieve your goals. Drifting through life without carefully set goals and

well-researched methods of achieving them is a recipe for disaster. Start

creating a financial plan today to enable your money to offer you more of

what you want out of life.

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Financial planning is a long-term process of setting objectives, assessing assets and resources, estimating future financial needs, and making plans to achieve monetary goals. Many elements may be involved in financial planning, including investing, asset allocation, risk management, tax, retirement, and estate planning are typically included as well.

Financial planning plays a starring role in helping individuals get the most out of their money. Careful planning can help individuals and couples set priorities and work steadily towards long-term goals. It may also protect against the unexpected by assisting individuals in preparing for things such as unexpected illness or loss of income.

6 step process




Gathering relevant information with the client. This would include the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the client's financial and relevant non-financial situation.

step one:


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Setting goals with the client. This step (usually performed in conjunction with Step 2) is meant to identify where the client wants to go regarding their finances and life.

step two:


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Analyzing the information. The information gathered is analyzed to properly understand the client's situation. This includes determining whether there are sufficient resources to reach the client's goals and what those resources are.

step three:


financial planning

the 6-step process

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Creating a financial plan. Based on the understanding of what the client wants in the future and their current financial status, a roadmap to the client goals is created to facilitate the achievements of those goals.

step four:


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Implementing the strategies in the plan. Guided by the financial plan, the strategies outlined in the plan are implemented using the resources allocated for the purpose.

step five:


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Monitoring implementation and reviewing the plan. The implementation process is closely monitored to ensure it stays in alignment to the client's goals. Periodic reviews are undertaken to check for misalignment and changes in the client's situation.

step six:


sign-up for your
personal 6-step review 

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